The 21 Conferences of St Martin District of SVDP
All of Our St Martin District Conferences are located in Adams, Brown, Clermont, Clinton, Highland or Warren Counties of SW Ohio
ADAMS COUNTY: St. Joseph SVDP (at Holy Trinity Parish West Union – serves all of Adams County) (937) 544-0154
AMELIA: St. Bernadette Parish SVDP 1479 Locust Lake Rd. (513) 753-5566
BATAVIA: Holy Trinity Parish SVDP 140 No. 6th St. (513) 732-2024
BETHEL: St Mary’s Parish SVDP (513) 734-4041
GEORGETOWN: St. George Parish SVDP (937) 392-1116
GOSHEN: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish SVDP 5890 Buckwheat Rd. (513) 575-0119
GREENFIELD: St. Benignus Parish SVDP 204 South Second Street (937) 981-2785
HILLSBORO: St Mary’s Parish SVDP (937) 205-0919
LANDEN: St. Margaret of York Parish SVDP (513) 697-3100
LEBANON: St Frances deSales Parish SVDP 20 DeSales Ave (513) 932-2601
LOVELAND: St. Columban Parish SVDP 894 Oakland Rd. Tobasco Rd. (513) 528-1622
MASON: St Susanna Parish SVDP (513) 398-3821
MILFORD: St Andrew Parish SVDP 552 Main St 45150 (513) 831-7837
MORROW: St. Phillip the Apostle Parish SVDP (513) 899-3601
MT CARMEL: St Veronica Parish SVDP Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd. (Church Office: 513-528-1622) (513) 528-8613
NEW RICHMOND: St Peter Parish SVDP (513) 525-7173
OWENSVILLE: St Louis/St Philomena SVDP 210 N Broadway 45160 (513) 732-2218 ext 500
RIPLEY: St Michael the Archangel Parish SVDP (937) 392-1116
WAYNESVILLE: St Augustine Parish SVDP 5715 Lytle Road (513) 897-2821
WILMINGTON: St. Columkille Parish SVDP (937) 382-6851
WITHAMSVILLE: St. Thomas More Parish SVDP 800 Ohio Pk. Beechmont Ave. 45245 Cinti. OH (513) 752-2080
AMELIA: St. Bernadette Parish SVDP 1479 Locust Lake Rd. (513) 753-5566
BATAVIA: Holy Trinity Parish SVDP 140 No. 6th St. (513) 732-2024
BETHEL: St Mary’s Parish SVDP (513) 734-4041
GEORGETOWN: St. George Parish SVDP (937) 392-1116
GOSHEN: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish SVDP 5890 Buckwheat Rd. (513) 575-0119
GREENFIELD: St. Benignus Parish SVDP 204 South Second Street (937) 981-2785
HILLSBORO: St Mary’s Parish SVDP (937) 205-0919
LANDEN: St. Margaret of York Parish SVDP (513) 697-3100
LEBANON: St Frances deSales Parish SVDP 20 DeSales Ave (513) 932-2601
LOVELAND: St. Columban Parish SVDP 894 Oakland Rd. Tobasco Rd. (513) 528-1622
MASON: St Susanna Parish SVDP (513) 398-3821
MILFORD: St Andrew Parish SVDP 552 Main St 45150 (513) 831-7837
MORROW: St. Phillip the Apostle Parish SVDP (513) 899-3601
MT CARMEL: St Veronica Parish SVDP Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Rd. (Church Office: 513-528-1622) (513) 528-8613
NEW RICHMOND: St Peter Parish SVDP (513) 525-7173
OWENSVILLE: St Louis/St Philomena SVDP 210 N Broadway 45160 (513) 732-2218 ext 500
RIPLEY: St Michael the Archangel Parish SVDP (937) 392-1116
WAYNESVILLE: St Augustine Parish SVDP 5715 Lytle Road (513) 897-2821
WILMINGTON: St. Columkille Parish SVDP (937) 382-6851
WITHAMSVILLE: St. Thomas More Parish SVDP 800 Ohio Pk. Beechmont Ave. 45245 Cinti. OH (513) 752-2080